SiliStrap - Shoulder Strap for Penis Stretchers
The SiliStrap adds four new stretches to your SiliStretcher, including a straight upward stretch, two upward side stretches and one between the cheeks stretch for ligament stretching.
The SiliStrap maximizes tension for stretching with an elastic neck strap and adjuster for length and robust jewelry grade swivel clips for comfort.
For Upward Side Stretching
Attach one of the SiliStrap clips to a belt loop behind you and then over your left or right shoulder, clip to the SiliStretcher and then adjust tension.
For Straight Upward Stretching
Wrap the SiliStrap around your neck and attach both clips to the SiliStretcher and adjust tension.
For Between the Cheeks Ligament Stretching
Attach one of the clips to your SiliStretcher, pull between the legs and connect to the SiliStretcher ADS belt.
Note: DOES NOT INCLUDE THE VACUUM STRETCHER SHOWN IN PICTURES. This is the shoulder strap only to be used with vacuum or compression stretchers.